Curriculum Vitae

General Information

Full Name Lucas Schmitt
Date of Birth 22th July 1999
Languages German, English, French


  • 2024
    M.Sc. Mathematics
    Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
    • Thesis title Existence of Gradient Flows and its Application to Models related to Pattern Formation
    • Supervisor Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer
  • 2022
    B.Sc. Mathematics
    Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
    • Thesis title Finite and Infinite-Dimensional Problems in Control Theory
    • Supervisor Prof. Dr. Angkana Rüland
  • 2017
    Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, Bad Wimpfen, Germany


  • 2023
    Institute of Mathematics, Heidelberg University
    • Partial Differential Equations (SoSe 2023)
  • 2021-2022
    Programming internship
    Research Group Numerical Optimization, Heidelberg University

Open Source Projects

  • 2024
    • A Vision transformer based model to enable autometic HDR settings.

Academic Interests

  • Mathematics
    • Partial Differential Equations
    • Calculus of Variations
    • Modelling
  • Computer Science
    • Machine Learning
    • Numerical Analysis