Lucas Schmitt

Heidelberg, Germany

I am a master student in the group of Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer at the Institute of Mathematics at the Heidelberg University.

My research interests include Partial Differential Equations and their Numerical Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Machine Learning.

More precisely, in my master’s thesis I analyize dynamics of second-order phase field models and the emergence of pattern formation in nonlinear systems through the application of variational techniques. I am also currently working on the implementation of a Vision Transformer based model to enable automatic HDR settings, see section AutoHDR.

I am member of the STRUCTURES Young Researchers Convent (YRC), a subgroup of the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence at the Heidelberg University.

I am also interested in the data-based analysis of long-term developement of young players in handball, see section Handball Metastats.